About 21CCLC
Grant Info
Professional Development
Community of Practice Committees
Start an Afterschool Program
Out of School Time Career Pathways
Literacy Enrichment Series
Grant Archive
2018: Youth Sexual Health Resources - PowerPoint
November 27, 2018
2018: Youth Sexual Health Resources - Recording
2019: 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Framework - PowerPoint
March 26, 2019
2019: 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Framework - Recording
2019: How appropriate nutrition, physical activity, and sleep affect overall learning, attention, and behavior - PowerPoint
May 28, 2019
2019: How appropriate nutrition, physical activity, and sleep affect overall learning, attention, and behavior - Recording
Classroom Posters - Coping Tips
Linn County - Mental Health
Make It OK in Iowa
Mental Health Toolkit
School Professionals and COVID-19