00:15:48 crystal.denny: Crystal Denny MICA Marshalltown 00:15:52 amywhittington: Amy Whittington- Central Decatur 00:17:52 Vic Jaras: https://www.fsd.gov/gsafsd_sp?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0049214&sys_kb_id=4a26988e1bdf78106397ec21f54bcbf6&spa=1 00:18:19 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: If you are just joining us, please drop your name and site in the chat. Thank you! 00:18:42 tanderson: Tricia Anderson North Fayette Valley VELC 00:19:59 Brandon Kirchhoff - Andrew/Easton Valley: Brandon Kirchhoff - Andrew/Easton Valley 00:25:30 Ariel DuPey: Ariel DuPey Boys & Girls Club of Central Iowa 00:25:59 John Spinks: John Spinks Oakridge Neighborhood Services 00:29:12 Barb: Barb Schmitz: Oelwein 00:36:42 Cassie Gerst: Yes indeed 00:36:47 Billy Stone: so many of the grants now are requiring SEL professional development. this would be a good idea. 00:38:47 Barb: My dog is horrible to the UPS man. 00:45:01 Bobbie Jo Sheridan: Congrats, IAA!! 00:46:28 Heidi Brown: congratulations Crystal! :) 00:50:13 Billy Stone: congratulations Crystal 00:50:19 John Spinks: Just wanted to say thanks for your support 00:51:08 Nikki Clausen: Merry Christmas everyone! 00:51:11 Sam Graeve: Thanks and Happy Holidays! 00:51:26 Barb: Happy Holidays 00:51:27 Billy Stone: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year