00:10:38 vkurth: Virginia Kurth 00:10:51 Chris Hoover: Chris Hoover- Maquoketa Superintendent 00:10:57 Tara Notz: Tara Notz-Curriculum Director, Maquoketa CSD 00:11:08 bschmitz: Barb Schmitz 00:11:11 Billy Stone: Billy Stone, Oakridge Neighborhood Organization 00:11:16 Jenni Watkins-Instructional Coach: Jenni Watkins- Co-Director. Things I do well; collaborating with families and stakeholders. Something that needs improvement; finding ways for sustainability. 00:11:17 Christine M. Carlson: Christine M. Carlson Site/Program Director Stor Lake MIddle School 00:11:26 bschmitz: Oelwein, Elementary Counselor and After School Director 00:11:39 Sam Graeve: Sam Graeve - Audubon Elementary Principal - Keeping kids engaged and mitigating as school. We could use more space. 00:11:41 Loras Osterhaus: Loras Osterhaus, Cllinton Schools Director; We do well with enrichment and field trip opportunities. Some improvement with Family Literacy 00:11:44 Kate Pankey: Good morning! This is Kate Pankey from Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Iowa. I am the Grants and Data Coordinator for two 21st Century sites. I am only in my second week of employment, so I'm still learning our strengths and areas for growth. 00:11:48 Christine M. Carlson: Well- getting kids involved and engaged 7 many community partners 00:11:49 Billy Stone: Oakridge does well with providing academic and social emotional programming, working with parents 00:11:52 Nikki: Nikki Clausen, Program Director 21st CCLC Council Bluffs School District. Things we do really well at our site is communication with partners, as well as a very low staff turnover. Things I feel that we need to improve would be sustainability and more ideas for virtual family engagement 00:12:14 Christine M. Carlson: need help-getting more staff that s 00:12:15 Tara Notz: Maquoketa: Something that we do well: working with our community partners. Improvement: Will be working to grow in implementation of our online enrichment opportunities 00:12:21 Chris Hoover: Maquoketa has great community support 00:12:41 vkurth: Site coordinator, relationship with students., needs improvement parent contact because of COVID 00:12:44 Chris Hoover: Getting more staff involved needs to improve 00:12:57 Christine M. Carlson: need more staff that are stable and dependable 00:13:16 Beth Christoffer: Beth Christoffer, Co-Director, Really Well: working with teachers, principal, students, Improvement: Parents. 00:13:22 Billy Stone: Oakridge may need enrichment activities in this COVID 19 00:18:18 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: https://d4a50dae-e8ad-4eaf-8698-aea6b5c4afd9.filesusr.com/ugd/1b1b6d_eddead5f8e544a2892052c9e29dfe413.pdf 00:18:54 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: There's the link to the quality standards. You can easily find them on our website: www.iowaafterschoolalliance.org 00:20:14 Chris Hoover: I have to step away and hope to return soon 00:20:24 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: No problem, Chris! 00:21:18 Christine M. Carlson: I have always had strong cumminty partners, but this year due to COCID-19 our district not letting others into the building, I really am out of touch with my partners. Any ideas? 00:22:09 Chris Hoover: Tara has a family emergency and will not be back 00:22:27 Christine M. Carlson: Vic is awesome when he does the site visit- so try not stress too muchh beforehand:) 00:23:35 Nikki: I believe when building positive human relationships it's important to keep communication open. We meet regularly with partners- whether before a program or during. 00:23:41 Christine M. Carlson: I feel that my constant communciation with admistration, teachers and parents really helps with connections:) 00:24:21 Christine M. Carlson: good ideas-thanks:) 00:26:26 Billy Stone: we have lots of staff conversations, parent and student conversations, we provide information regarding programming and we are highly visual at our site. We also work with the school staff, principals, teachers, and students. 00:26:58 Christine M. Carlson: look at my good news cards I mail out to parents-they love it 00:27:49 Christine M. Carlson: its a post card that says something speacial about the kid:) 00:28:02 Christine M. Carlson: some parents sent their kids because of it 00:30:15 Christine M. Carlson: This year mys space is VERY limited as I can not use rooms due to being disinfected afterschool:( 00:30:50 Christine M. Carlson: Am I thinking correctly that Vic will be doing only virutal site visits this year? 00:31:13 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Christine, for the time being, I believe that he will only be doing virtual visits. 00:33:10 Christine M. Carlson: Only 1 staff hands out the snacks. Wearing masks during the program is mandatory for all. No parents allowed in the building. Many groups of a vareity of activties to break up the numbers. 00:34:34 Christine M. Carlson: Have assingned staff at the front door that meets & greeets the parents & 1 walks the kids out 00:35:30 Billy Stone: we have limited our student intake. we follow the school guidelines as far as COVID. We space students, all have masks. We do provide one on one learning. WE also follow the guidleines as many of you. 00:38:37 Christine M. Carlson: Teacher survey, parent surveys & students surveys 00:39:15 Beth Christoffer: Student Advisory Meetings 00:41:32 Jenni Watkins-Instructional Coach: I'm so sorry. I have to take a group of students for an intervention. Thank you for the useful information! I'll look at the rest of the zoom meeting since you recorded it. 00:44:33 Christine M. Carlson: He will want to meet with some of the partners, parents and admistration during the site visit 00:45:34 Nikki: We love partnering with TS Bank. They do a financial literacy program with our elementary schools. 00:46:57 Billy Stone: Very happy with the DMPS, they continue to allow our progrm in Edmunds Elementary School. They understand we do follow the guidelines of the CDC and the school Guidelines. 00:50:19 bschmitz: Oelwein is very lucky because we have great support. 01:01:19 vkurth: Looks very helpful 01:02:02 Chris Hoover: I have an 11 meeting. Thanks for all the information! 01:08:55 bschmitz: Thank you, this was so helpful. 01:09:12 vkurth: Thanks :) 01:09:17 bschmitz: I appreciate the links…thank you