00:04:36 SF: Shaney Ford- Davenport 00:04:48 Kaitlin Schmidt: Kaitlin Schmidt- St. Mark 00:04:51 Allison Wilson: Allison Wilson - Marshalltown 00:04:56 Jenny Becker: Jenny Becker - Kids on Course University, Cedar RApids 00:04:57 Melissa Hostetler: Mel Hostetler Alexander Elementary ICCSD 00:04:57 Cassie Gerst: Cassie Gerst , Burlington Comm School District 00:04:59 Billy Stone, Oakridge: Billy Stone, Oakridge 00:05:02 Nikki Clausen: Nikki Clausen- Council Bluffs CSD 00:05:06 Jenna: Jenna- SHIP/BTB Sioux City 00:05:10 katie boatright: Katie Boatright-Fairfield Community School District 00:05:11 Chol Chagai: Chol Chagai with Clinton Community School District 00:05:11 Barb: Barb Schmitz: Oelwein 00:05:14 Jane Bishop: Jane Bishop Des Moines Schools 00:05:18 Beth Christoffer: Beth Christoffer, Allamakee, just got registered and reservations for IMPACT done! 00:05:29 whittingtona: Amy Whittington, Central Decatur CSD 00:07:00 Christine M. Carlson: Christine M. Carlson Storm Lake Community Schoold Disttict 00:26:49 John Spinks: Jon Spinks Oakridge Nrighborhood 00:27:09 John Spinks: John Spinks 00:27:31 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: This is the research Vic just referenced. 00:27:31 Chol Chagai: So once the program has been renewed for up to 10 years, the program will no longer be eligible for federal funding, is that correct? 00:30:49 Cassie Gerst: So clarification again- once our 5 year is up then we must reapply for the grant period or email vic for another 5 years 00:31:04 John Spinks: When Will the Full Service Grant window open up 00:31:32 emileeharris: Bumping Cassies question 00:31:52 John Spinks: Thanks 00:32:45 Chol Chagai: Which cohorts are affected by renewability? 00:32:46 Jenna: so then for the second 5 years it must be at the funding level of the 5th year of the first cycle...? 00:36:26 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: tim.glenn@iowa.gov 00:39:49 Kaitlin Schmidt: Thanks Crystal, hope to see some of you at Impact :) 00:47:20 Barb: I think these look great! 00:47:58 Beth Christoffer: Looks good, just looking at it more, I did look at the list last week. 00:52:40 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ImpactChampsandStars 01:01:15 Barb: I need to slip into the next meeting. Thank you so much for all you are doing Crystal and Vic. 01:01:42 Christine M. Carlson: Thank you:) Have a great weekend everyone! 01:02:02 Jenny Becker: Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend. 01:02:08 Billy Stone, Oakridge: Awesome session