00:22:20 Kaitlin Schmidt: Could we get a copy of these slides on GPRA measures? 00:29:23 Beth Christoffer: Wouldn't we need to do the spring form since we were here for Jan. Feb. and part of Mar.? Also the participation is for Fall and Spring together. 00:34:23 bschmitz: With the Esser Funds, can we ask for present programs? 00:35:19 Britney Samuelson: http://afterschool.nptoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2021/01/LEA-Briefing-Tool-January-2021.pdf?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=New__Updated_Tools_Accessing_COVID_Relief_Funds&utm_medium=email 00:38:22 Britney Samuelson: Here's another briefing tool for this new federal funding: http://afterschool.nptoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2021/01/CRRSA-New-Opportunities-for-Afterschool-and-Summer-Programs-January-2021.pdf?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=New__Updated_Tools_Accessing_COVID_Relief_Funds&utm_medium=email 00:40:32 Christine M. Carlson: What about copy right issues with this sharing?- I know not everyone follows it and I do not want a fine:/ 00:41:03 Crystal Hall - IAA: https://youtu.be/efs3xN0OY5c 00:43:32 Christine M. Carlson: Ok thanks for clarifying that 00:50:01 Britney Samuelson: AmeriCorps: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SummerLadders21 00:53:07 Britney Samuelson: Iowa data from America After 3PM: http://afterschoolalliance.org/AA3PM/data/geo/Iowa/overview 00:56:21 Christine M. Carlson: yes i would:) 00:56:26 Kaitlin Schmidt: Yes! 00:56:28 Heidi Brown: Definitely 00:56:39 Jenny Becker: Yes! 00:56:39 bschmitz: Yes 00:56:40 Shaney Ford: Yes, I would 00:56:41 Allison Wilson: Definitely!! 00:56:45 Katie Boatright: yes 00:56:45 bstone: interested 00:56:49 Megan Bogdan: yes 00:56:54 Sam Graeve: Interested 00:57:06 bschmitz: April or May 00:57:43 Kaitlin Schmidt: I don't necessarily have a preference. Would make anytime work. 00:58:15 Katie Boatright: Same as Kaitlin, no preference 00:58:17 Britney Samuelson: Thank you all! 00:58:49 Christine M. Carlson: My office is in a corner of a classroom due to COVID pod version of school-will that be a problem since I would not be able to speak during the workshops? 00:59:44 Crystal Hall - IAA: Christine, let's mark you as interested and we can think through logistics later if that's ok with you. 01:00:04 Christine M. Carlson: Thanks Crystal 01:03:55 Emilee Harris: Nominate a program/staff/student for the A+ Afterschool Award here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI-Rpd3rBOFqei9Pb7UgtzQ4Tr-tYwU-XaTejvGCBIgZYrig/viewform?usp=sf_link 01:04:59 Crystal Hall - IAA: https://www.iowa21cclc.com/directors-meetings