00:25:08 SHIP Siera: Siera beyond the bell 00:25:13 teendirector: George Phillips-Boys & Girls Clubs of the Cedar Valley- Are we there Yet 00:25:17 Brinkley Braden: Brinkley - KOC 00:25:50 Madison Keith: Madison Keith - Kids on Course Site Manager. Frozen! 00:29:03 Brinkley Braden: Being able to take one “game” and create others from it 00:29:18 SHIP Siera: I left the third meeting wanting to come up with ways on how I can gather the reading level I fnfoematoon that I would need for all my kids. just trying to come with a process of some kind so I can do more with literacy 00:29:29 SHIP Siera: information sorry 00:29:40 Brinkley Braden: Learning how to interact with the kids in a different mainframe - not all students learn the same way so it’s nice to create different learning situations with them 00:30:56 Jessica Azpeitia: Gathering reading information and wanting to start a new activities with that 00:31:05 Caitlin Evans: Learning how our schools categorize kids reading levels. Also discovering websites (scholastic) that can help us find books that are at our kids reading levels 00:31:15 SHIP Siera: also making literacy fun not just simply reading a book 00:31:40 George Phillips Teen Director: Adaption to learning styles 00:32:48 Madison Keith: Knowing and understanding the students reading levels and scores helps us to put our students into appropriate tutor groups during Kids on Course! 00:33:10 SHIP Siera: I would like to know more about how to get the kids excited about it 00:38:16 Maneca Seenster: My computer might go off I don't have a long enough cord to charge my laptop 00:45:09 Maneca Seenster: The wolf because he explained why he puffed 00:45:37 Kora West - KOC: The pigs because the wolf was clearly hungry 00:45:40 Bailey O'Brien: I believed the wolf. For one, he had the opportunity to tell his side of the story and explained it in depth 00:45:47 SHIP Siera: same the wolf 00:45:51 Jasmin: The wolf, because the media “spicing” up the headlines is believable 00:46:09 Tyler Zaruba: I believe the pigs, because I can't believe he would eat the pigs after merely just going to ask for a cup of sugar 00:46:12 George Phillips Teen Director: I believe the Wolf the pis are not here to tell theirs 00:47:12 Juanisha: The pigs, because just because the houses was raggedy don’t mean blow them down 00:47:26 Kora West - KOC: The pigs, the wolf went over to get sugar because he was hungry. Since they wouldn't give it to him the wolf got hangry 00:50:01 Bailey O'Brien: I think these are great to do with the kids! I work at Jane Boyd and we do these with the kids. We choose a book to read online, talk a little bit about it afterwards, and then do some activities afterwards that relate to the story. 00:51:18 Jasmin: We read this book when I was in Elementary. After reading it we had a trial where the 3 pigs (played by our teachers) gave their side. And the Wolf was put in the hot seat too, which one of our teachers was in full mascot gear. 00:51:43 Jasmin: It was great way for us kids to be involved and I still remember it 00:52:13 Maneca Seenster: when I use to work with Kdg we did a readers theatre 00:52:34 Maneca Seenster: we did with that book 00:52:36 George Phillips Teen Director: Bring little Red Riding hood as a character witness 00:53:00 Caitlin Evans: I loved that movie as a kid! 00:55:01 Crystal Hall - IAA: Point Blank is rated NC-17 or TV-MA 01:05:47 SHIP Siera: so sorry I have a call I need to take I will be back soon 01:09:15 Theresa Slaughter: Vantage Point w/Forest Whitaker PG-13 01:14:34 Juanisha: I apologize we have all day camp going on 01:14:38 Caitlin Evans: Sorry I had to step out to help someone at the front desk so I wasn't able to do the activity 01:14:44 Juanisha: I just had to feed them lunch 01:14:51 Maneca Seenster: I am combined with another site 01:15:23 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : yes 01:15:33 Maneca Seenster: my computer will close in 10 min 01:15:39 Caitlin Evans: Very sorry about that 01:15:50 George Phillips Teen Director: 8:30-6 01:38:11 Madison Keith: Such a fun idea! I will have to try this with the first graders during snack when we have our brain break! 01:39:20 SHIP Siera: I like how easy and quick it is! great idea 01:46:25 Caitlin Evans: I really appreciate the activites provided! 01:46:28 Maneca Seenster: no 01:48:46 Caitlin Evans: I'm ready! 01:49:22 Caitlin Evans: try clicking the microphone next to it 01:49:42 Kora West - KOC: No 01:50:41 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : SHerk 01:50:41 Kora West - KOC: Yes! 01:50:42 Caitlin Evans: Shrek 01:50:43 Madison Keith: Shrek 01:50:44 Bailey O'Brien: Shrek 01:50:45 George Phillips Teen Director: shreck 01:50:47 amber: Shrek! 01:50:47 Brinkley Braden: shrek 01:50:49 Kora West - KOC: Shrek 01:50:49 Jasmin: Shrek!! 01:50:51 Juanisha: Shrek 01:50:53 Maneca Seenster: Shreck 01:51:25 SHIP Siera: agreed with everyone else 01:51:35 Crystal Hall - IAA: Caitlin! you were so fast! 01:52:01 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : basketball movie 01:52:07 Madison Keith: Shark Tale?? 01:52:13 Maneca Seenster: Martin movie 01:52:20 amber: Shark Tale 01:52:22 Caitlin Evans: Oh gosh, I don't think I know this one... 01:52:28 SHIP Siera: no idea 01:52:36 Jasmin: Shark Tale haha 01:52:47 Bailey O'Brien: Shark Tale? 01:52:47 Maneca Seenster: yes Shark Tale 01:52:49 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : rush hour? 01:52:56 Crystal Hall - IAA: CAR WASH!!!! Shark Tale :) 01:54:04 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : George lopez 01:54:05 Madison Keith: George Lopez 01:54:06 Marcus Razor: George Lopez 01:54:08 Juanisha: Clueless 01:54:12 Bailey O'Brien: George Lopez 01:54:14 Caitlin Evans: George lopez 01:54:22 George Phillips Teen Director: Next Friday 01:54:27 Juanisha: Cheech and Chong 01:54:33 Jasmin: Polly!! 01:54:34 SHIP Siera: George Lopez 01:54:37 George Phillips Teen Director: Ok Nisha 01:54:41 Maneca Seenster: Cars 01:54:57 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : 12 am nickelodeon 01:54:59 Crystal Hall - IAA: This is in so many movies! Gone in 60 Seconds, Dazed and Confused, yes! 01:55:09 Caitlin Evans: Im loving this lol 01:55:28 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : Sweet home Alabama 01:55:31 Brinkley Braden: Sweet Home Alabama! 01:55:31 Kora West - KOC: THIS IS IN EVERYTHING 01:55:33 Maneca Seenster: Grown Ups 01:55:34 Brinkley Braden: Classic movie 01:55:37 Juanisha: Sweet home Alabama 01:55:38 Bailey O'Brien: Sweet Home Alabama 01:55:39 Madison Keith: Sweet Home Alabama 01:55:44 Jasmin: Sweet Home Alabama 01:55:49 amber: Joe Dirt 01:56:13 BTBframirez: Forest Gump 01:56:16 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Con Air 01:56:16 SHIP Siera: this scary movie I can’t remember the name of 😂 01:57:15 amber: Kid Rock 01:57:18 Juanisha: Kid rock 01:57:39 Jasmin: It Takes Two 01:57:40 Juanisha: James Brown 01:57:42 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : Home alone 01:57:47 BTBframirez: home alone 01:57:48 Caitlin Evans: Home alone 01:57:49 Maneca Seenster: James Brown 01:57:55 Madison Keith: Home Alone 01:58:00 Bailey O'Brien: Home Alone 01:58:04 Maneca Seenster: Saturday Night Live lol 01:58:13 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Cocktails, The New Kid 01:59:09 Maneca Seenster: Shrek 01:59:14 Crystal Hall - IAA: Every movie EVER made in the 80s! 01:59:18 Madison Keith: Was this is Daddy Daycare or did I make that up? 01:59:18 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : Part Trap ? 01:59:26 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Daddy Daycare 01:59:30 amber: Breakfast Club 01:59:31 Jessica Azpeitia SHIP Beyond the bell : parent trap? 01:59:36 SHIP Siera: shrek 01:59:42 Kora West - KOC: Breakfast Club 01:59:52 Bailey O'Brien: Breakfast Club 02:00:02 Kora West - KOC: I think it was also in parent trap 02:00:12 Jasmin: Babysitters Club? 02:01:10 Madison Keith: My computer is about to die in case it logs me off! 02:01:47 Brinkley Braden: Thank you!! :) 02:01:48 Kora West - KOC: Thank you! 02:01:55 SHIP Siera: thank you 02:01:57 Maneca Seenster: Thank you for the information 02:01:59 Caitlin Evans: Thank you so much ladies! 02:02:05 Madison Keith: Thank you! 02:02:05 George Phillips Teen Director: Thanks, I like the Perspective exercises 02:02:08 Jasmin: Thank you, great stuff today! 02:02:18 Juanisha: Thank you very much, sorry I wasn’t able to participate that much